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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Been doin this for a swap, lot of 15 Yellow Drake:

The General

What is the body of your wee fly for the other swap.   It is coming over a beautiful blue on my screen.



Hook:     TMC102Y #9
Tail:       3 strands of bucktail
Body:     antron dubbing, bright yellow, ribbed with olive tying thread
Wing:     CDC, bright yellow
Thorax:  CDC with help of the Marc Petitjean Magictool

Cheers, Hans


Quote from: The General on March 06, 2009, 09:39:51 PM
What is the body of your wee fly for the other swap.   It is coming over a beautiful blue on my screen.


Dressing is the original as stated by A Courtney Williams in his Dictionary of trout flies.

HOOK ?Kamasan B175 #14
THREAD ? Brown Uni 8/0
HACKLE ? Red Game Hen
TAIL ? Bright Red Wool
BODY ? Bright Green Peacock?s Herl from the moon feather.

Depending on how you hold it to the light, it shows either that beautiful blue or a bright green.

*edit; Except for the Uni thread of course.


Ooh I like that Col - that would do a fair turn as a general 'wee black thing' (entymology being my strong suit you see  :lol: ) searching pattern. Am going to have a go at Bandy's JC AoS and Brian's smart zulu type thing too.

Cheers guys,  


The General

Izzit worth starting another thread/topic with members efforts at tying an ace of spades on a size 10 "normal sized" wet fly hook and the
fly to have jc eyes or any other kinda eyes you desire, along with a leaded body.  A lot of stuff to get on a 10 hook!



Quote from: brian on March 08, 2009, 01:07:05 PM
Still trying to get to grips with the camera and editing software, but here is a zulu type thing i tyed this morning.

        The pics good and the dressing is good too, but for me the tail is disproportionately long. I would cut it to about half that length. After you've cut it "dab" at it with your finger pushing it against the back of the fly, then draw it into place again with your fingers, doing this will crumple the individual fibres and remove the "sharpness" from the cut end.
Try it and see what you think?

The General

Looks the business Brian but does it have a lead body  :D


Clan Ford

Quote from: Bandy Catcher on March 08, 2009, 01:17:13 PM
Tied with a leaded underbody, the 'Bandy Catcher' can sometimes pick up a fish or two - early season.


I love your fly John, it's caught me loads of fish including a few of the non bandy variety:D  The head on yours is a bit slimmer than the ones I tie but I'm pants at spinning the deer hair.



Here goes. Third and forth fly ever and more for practice than matching any hatch!  I think the fish in Gairloch may be the only ones hungry enough to be tempted

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