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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Either of those destinations would be great....just need to get it past the wife  :shock:
Fred i just mix in my hand by separating and mixing and rubbing, bit laborious but dos the job, don't have a coffee grinder. I mixed enough to keep me going though....used some to tie this one, size 10 this time and a bit chunkier with a touch of natural seals fur at the front as a sighter, for when the winds up a bit more


This is one I got from one of the guys on the stravaig last year and worked for me in tongue soon after, it's called the drop daddy and is basically a wet daddy with a lead underbody. Handy for a change of tactic when nothing's moving

rannoch raider

Very nice ! I do like the sedgehogs but the wee point fly would certainly get a swim too.


Only a matter of time before I tied a muddler  :roll:


Hares ear wet, I like this on the dropper with a sedgehog on the point




Beautiful flies lochan, especially the hares ear wet.
My kinda fly on a 16! More,more!!


The Green King. Simple classic and pretty easy to tie



One beast that is already on the streamers thread


And one for salt water....[attachimg=1]

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