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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Quote from: Rabmax on December 02, 2014, 01:49:26 PM
I fished this pattern quit often on my top dropper when French Nymphing in the Trout season past.
It's very similar to one of my top fly patterns called a Renegade anyway & it seemed to work just as well.I have loads of Teal & Mallard flank so used one or the other.Well not a fancy wing like the nice looking ones posted by Lochan but the trout love it.I often like fishing unusual looking fly patterns that trout aren't used to seeing.Cheers All

Yes, that's a Renegade with the front hackle replaced with the duck feather. I like look of that and will  knock a few up.


Quote from: Lochan_load on December 02, 2014, 02:08:39 PM
Like that Fred, do quite a lot of deer hair dries but never with the CDC as well, looks nice and leggy!
I'll also knock up this riverbum fly rab max, unusual but I like it ;)
Seemingly it's a famous US lake fly as is the Renegade too.I tie it with a bit fuller wing but sparser rear hackle.I often add a chartreuse glow-brite hot-spot at hook bend.It works well as an egg laying caddis & works well other times generally.Trout just love peacock most of the time too.Cheers


Right Fred I've just had a go at that CDC and elk but after looking at yours it's nothing like it, mine is on a heavy hook too but I do like the dressing and as you say it's simple and looks effective



And the river bum one, added copper rib to protect the peacock a bit, weird but wonderful!


Hares ear wet, cracking fly when fish are taking just about any emerging fly. I fish it on a dropper with a dry on point, wee six inch pulls and let it sink and repeat.



Quote from: Lochan_load on December 03, 2014, 10:01:10 AM
And the river bum one, added copper rib to protect the peacock a bit, weird but wonderful!
Very nice tying Lochan.I go a wee bit sparser with the hackle & use hen or henny cock hackle.With the hackle at the back i don't want to impede good hookups.Cheers


Fair does, I think I would probably cut the hackle square at the bottom and fish it dry but wanted it to look nice for the photo ;)


Alex was telling me there is a mouse plague in New Zealand this year.  There are a few nice lakes surrounded by beech forest quite near our pal John's place.  New Zealand is still covered by 6.5 million ha  of  native forest and  it's years of  high yields of beech mast that produce these mouse plagues.

So, here it it is:  No tail (to tangle when casting), no ears, no eyes,  no nonsense, just a very big, shaggy  DHS with legs tied on a size 1 Aberdeen hook

There's a moose loose aboot this hoose


I don't tie or use conventional loch wet flies very often, but like to have a few in the box in case I fancy a change; for example if there is a big wave and I'm in a boat. 

Back in the old days when I used to take the kids fishing to Assynt regularly this was our top fly in June and July. I just knocked it up at the vice before one trip, it has no name and does not need one as it's no different from a 100 others that look much the same and work just as well. 

It worked well for two reasons. Firstly the fish can see it, secondly it was always on top dropper of the cast.  Flies you fish with always catch the most fish!

Globrite no 10 tail, yellow seal fur body, gold  rib, palmered light ginger hackle, white  hen hackle at the head. This is a 10, I'd tie them up to size 8, perhaps even 6.


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