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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Quote from: col on February 21, 2009, 12:16:25 PM
I decided too tie a teal wing flea so started doing a Teal Blue and silver, but ive recently done a clear out so i had no teal feathers so used mallard instead, and my blue hen capes also gone missing , so i used blue brahma.

Very interesting, I wonder how may other people take a classic pattern and substitute materials for what they have. Have you caught anything on this ?

Quote from: Crawhin on February 21, 2009, 03:54:27 PM
Nice nymph there Bandy - does it swim in an erratic manner though?  :lol:

Last couple of days have tied some early season black and silver muddlers. Double hooks and lead underbodies to get down a bit despite the deers hair:-


Very nice, I haven't seen muddlers with doubles on them before.

The General

Col thank you for info, looks a good one, another for the long list now being created.

Ian just been over to my wee pals and now have some black deer hair.   What is the tail?



Hi Davie,

I've used rabbit for the tail and wing (over a couple of strands of pearl flashabou). Black marabou or long hackle fibres stripped from the bottom of a large black hen hackle would all work the same though.



The General

Thank you Ian, I've just tied one.  Well one like yours.... vaguely.  Forgot the lureflash stuff tho I did see it in your photo.  What is the silver tinsel,
looks kinda holoflashy.     Forgot it was a double I was tying, I am sure the blood will soon stop and the cat will reappear sometime when it gets
over the scream I let out.

How sad is it to be tying flies on a Saturday night eh?


:lol:  Aye - holographic stuff for a wee bit extra sparkle but probably doesn't make a lot of difference really.

I'm sure that there are worse ways of spending an hour or two on a Saturday night than knocking up a few flees with a glass or red or a large dram and anticipating the start of the season.




Two I'd never go anywhere without:

Peter Ross

A small (a 20 here) Black and Silver Spider:

Partridge and Hares Ear Spider:



Clan Ford

Nice flies .D.  :D

A partridge and harelug - in some form or other - must have caught me most my river fish when using wets.  I reckon its got magical properties :8)



Thanks both.

Wee bri, it's just dyed black mole fur. Dyed black hare's mask underfur, mink or rabbit fur work just as well.



Clan Chief

Yeah! Well tied flies :D. Really like the look of them.

The General

Again great flies Ian.   My own fly tying will resume when my fingers stop bleeding.   I have no "normal" doubles for tying troot flies and have
been using low water salmon size ten.   Near impossible to spin the deer hair and by f..... are they sharp.  Bit of a sod when you are pushing the
deer hair back to get some more on.    Great post Clan Chief should get post of year.
On Saturday wee Mick (muddler54) was telling the wee angling gathering at the fishing hut how his uncle/grandfather nearly emptied the Ness
with the "Hares lug and partridge" and bingo one appears on the post.


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