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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Otter Spotter

That Mouse is a cracker! The first time I ever saw one of these was at a fishery back in my stockie days. This old guy was telling me that he had been introduced to them in Canada, I have to say given the size of the thing he had in his hand I was sceptical. He proceeded to wheedle out a fine collection of natural browns (this loch is well known for them and they must be returned), not a single stockie did he hit all day! Meanwhile I was hoiking out the stockies good style on a size 12 kate! My conclusion was that if you want to catch a big brown use a monster fly.
I used to be a surrealist but now I'm just fish.


Yes, that mouse is most certainly a cracker!  :D


Some claret bumble variants.


I like them alot. It's such a versatile fly.


Cheers guys don't know if I'll ever fish it. Its something I've wanted to tie for ages, just never got round to it til now.
Nice bumbles, I find them good early season


This may look like a strange fly for wild fisher but I've been interested to see how many folk on here are fishing streamers and I got 2 wild browns on a cats whisker last year in an absolute gale to save a blank, I've chucked a couple of fluorescent rubber legs on for good measure! Question is, who'd fish this bad boy???


Hear a lot about wooly buggers, think I'll call this the ugly bugger! Not my kind of fly but tying it for a specific place where I'm convinced I can winkle out a whumper!!



My first attempts with legs, Must admit I've never been keen but it's all about catching fish!! What about the cats whisker Fred?


Blasphemy!!! How dare you lower this thread with such filth ;D:P
Where did you catch your fish, river or loch? I've tried a white dancer a few times out of desperation but no luck. I would give it a chuck as a last resort probably >:D
You posted the ugly bugger as I was typing. How are you planning fishing it?

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