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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Very nice Mr. Buzzmeister. Have been seeing quite a few of these emerge lately.  :8)


Ever since seeing the picture of Ronnie Mackenzies 11lb 10oz trout caught on a golden olive bumble I've been meaning to tie some up.

As I don't have any Blue Jay or dyed Guinea Fowl I've had to use a teal blue head hackle. I'll get some Jay and post a pic up when I tie some with the correct materials.

Magnification and lighting are getting better in the photo's but I need to work on the focus.  :roll:


Tweed - it's a size 4 or 6, can't quite remember which. It might have to wait till NZ to get an outing although I really want to get out and try it, see if it will scare fish into taking  :lol:

Mark - very nice however things must be really bad on the fly hatching front  :shock:  :lol:

Don - again very nice! That must have been some fish :shock:

Was tying up tarantulas again tonight, some with legs and some without. Without legs is a really interesting look, looks more naturally buggy so to speak. Tied up in a range of sizes and colours, just filling the fly box :D Also tried using calf hair as per the instructions, it's worse than bloody deer hair, so soft! Need to develop my skills me thinks!

River Chatter

Yet more really nice flies guys.  I need to get some buzzers done for the local loch... loads hatching in the past few day! Will post a pic when they're done - they'll need to be boring black jobs tho.



Ginger  / Haresear Kink

Tied a few of these today. Probably my most successful river pattern ever - certainly in terms of big fish. Have caught some crackers with it on the Don, Deveron and in New Zealand.

Hook - this is on an 18 Partridge Klink Extreme, but I also tie them on Kamasan B100s
Hackle - genetic  ginger cock
Abdomen + Thorax  - hare mask
Post - McFlylon. I usually use pink  during the day ( you can pick it out in foam flecks) and yellow in the evening as I can see it better in lower light

I have stopped tying off the hackle under the post on these flies and just pull it over the thorax to the  head and tie it off there. Not as neat (as you can see), but makes no difference at all to the fish and is far quicker with less faffing about.

Wet the abdomen, first then gink the hackle and post, some gink will soak down into the top of the thorax. the wet hare mask turns quite dark.  

It works.

Sometimes.  :D


Great fly Fred,
That's pretty much exactly the way I tie mine. I use big ones (B100 size 12s) with a healthy chunk of bright yarn to fish a few nymphs underneath too sometimes.



I'm about to go and try my first klinks, think I'll give that a bash Fred, looks very tasty!


Quote from: scotty9 on March 31, 2010, 04:05:56 PM
I'm about to go and try my first klinks, think I'll give that a bash Fred, looks very tasty!
I've tried a lot of colours Scott, but that has been the most successful. Not surprising as all it is is a DHE type fly, except that it always floats properly. :D


Quote from: admin on March 31, 2010, 04:08:14 PM
I've tried a lot of colours Scott, but that has been the most successful. Not surprising as all it is is a DHE type fly, except that it always floats properly. :D

How do you find different hackle colours? Is that the winning combination on that fly?


Quote from: bordertroot on March 31, 2010, 05:18:33 PM
Strange thing about `Partridge Klink Extreme` hooks the size never seems to relate with others :?

the size 20 I have in my vice right now  is about the same as a  size 14 "normal" hook.

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