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Attaching Fly Lines To Leaders

Started by Wildfisher, February 25, 2008, 07:56:00 PM

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For sinking or intermediate lines I just use a braided loop. However, with floating lines and long leaders I have never been happy with loop connectors for dry fly work;  they produce a  node of  considerable mass and that must affect the continuous taper, roll-out of the cast. Any advantage you get from it has to be reduced. Think of a knot in a piece of wood or bamboo………….try bending it and observe how it affects the curve.

I have faffed around with quite a few methods including using a small piece of braid, super glue and a silicon rubber sleeve. Really too much work and replacing a mangled or kinked tapered leader that way when fishing it not on.

I have always avoided nail knots because they are a pain  to tie – or at least I have found them to be so.   They do however produce a tiny, low mass node and many experienced anglers,  swear by them. I came across this link that uses a small tube and believe me it makes tying  nail knots a snip.

The tube is THE answer. I just use a cotton bud with the ends cut off then cut it in two. Two perfect, simple nail knotting tools.  I'll keep one or two in my fly box for waterside repairs this season. With a thick butt tapered leader 4 turns makes a rock solid and neat joint. Drop on a bit of super glue if you need extra security.


Fred I have removed all loops from my lines for next season and used the nail knot to attach my leaders I have used the straw but there is a small metal tool that tackle shops sell with usually snips and a hook sharpener attached, I being tight made my own and found it better and just as quick as changing a fly.Cheers John, 5 down
yer going where

alancrob  is, I think, a better description. I have used it for a while and find it better on lighter lines. I use a straw but the idea of the cotton bud sounds worth a try.

Another option is
which i have tried but did not like so much.

Braided loops may not be ideal but I find they last longer.


I find the neatest of all is to strip a couple of inches of the core and whip a loop in the bare core then coat the whip with fishin' glue. I've done it with a couple of lines and it's very good. I've got some set up with braided loops too but for the lighter lines I use the needle knot and a tapered leader as the basis of the cast.
There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


Trouble with a nail/tube knot is what happens when you get snagged and pull hard.
Once in a while the outer plastic bouyant coating will come loose and off it slides along with nail knot and all.
Now I don't ever want a really big fish to do that to me!

So I'm using needle knots, super glue and am still worried!

One that I am happy with is the old fashioned "strip the coating off (optional) and figure of eight" attachment to a small loop.  It is a tad lumpy, but for a floater it places a pinpoint of added floatability at a crucial place which can be handy.


I use nail knots (tied with a tool), but I tie them maybe 20mm up the fly line and thread the leader through the core for that distance (using a sewing machine needle) and add a drop of superglue for good measure when pulling the butt piece into the fly line core. It is fine for trout, but I'm not sure I would want to pike fish this way as IrishfloatTube says.

Protect the edge.


Is it such an issue when fly fishing for pike? Given that you are using wire traces of some kind and a small parakeet  :D  on the end, the need for a neat leader / line junction would seem to me to be less.


Quote from: admin on February 26, 2008, 01:36:01 PM
....and a small parakeet  :D  on the end....
(Since pike flyfishing got popular) You want to see the number of "manx cats" we have round here ..... come to think of it.  Were they born with no tails ?   :lol:


I use a little plastic dingus it has a hole in iether end - you put a tiny knot in the fly line and the same in the leader after putting through the holes and then tighten...does the job ok but not perfect!


What's wrong with whipping a loop in the end of your line and then attaching your leader with a blood knot - worked well for me for years and I've never had a problem with presentation, well that's not strictly true but that's more likely due to bad technique! And its simple with modern plastic line you don't even need to whip the loop, simply use a healthy quantity of super glue. That doesn't look as nice but it is very effective.


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