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Trout and Salmon - why do I read it!

Started by Clan Ford, September 02, 2006, 12:01:14 AM

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Quote from: rabbitangler on September 05, 2006, 10:19:25 PM
He's only following the trend!!

A fine line  exists between following the trend and f***ing the dog   :lol:

Pearly Invicta


A fine line  exists between following the trend and f***ing the dog   :lol:

Who said that? Confucious?



This  may well be, but  whatever the motivation it does seem to  mean less ads and more content (even although most of it is of no interest to me personally). For a mag. with a monthly distribution  of 18,000 it certainly has far less ads than T+S with  35,000  I am surprised they cannot sell ads if this is in fact the case. I advertise Fish Wild in it and the rates are reasonable – although I would not pay any more as Fish Wild is funded out of my own pocket.


Quote from: crocach on September 06, 2006, 11:57:24 AM
I suspect its scruff like us with limited folding who are buying TF&FT while the wealthy are more likely to buy T&S. Hence more adverts chasing the cash.

Precisely. And that brings us neatly back to its editorial comment, content etc

past caring

Bloody hell!! And I was just starting to feel proud of myself 'cos I've moved on to T&S from Today's Flyfisher.  :( :(

Oh, you wet, you weed, you mite! I will utterly tough you up!

past caring

Sure - it's just that when you are starting off (and in my case, not having any mates that fish) you buy what's readily available, perhaps not even knowing what other mags are out there. My local newsagent carries Today's Flyfisher so I started off with that, picking up T&S on  occasion when I'm up in central London. I think it was only last month that I saw FF&FT for the first time. I agree it's much better - funnily enough, it had a large article on Malham Tarn and I'd already got a trip planned to fish it last month, though I still blanked!

I found T&S much more useful than T's FF (won't touch that one again) - it does carry the odd article on technique that's useful when you're starting off. And the Peter Lapsey article in last month's FF&FT, whilst nominally an "exploration" of the development of "upstream dry only" rules on chalkstreams seemed to me no more than an unquestioning defence of the status-quo. Not that I can see myself doing much chalkstream stuff, anyway.....
Oh, you wet, you weed, you mite! I will utterly tough you up!


Quote from: Swithun on September 07, 2006, 11:19:58 AM
If you like wild fishing PC, then FF&FT is lots better... Despite the whinging here (you know who you are  :shock:) it's a good mag...

Well, I certainly never said it was not a good mag. just that 75% + of it does not interest me. That's not the same thing.  :)

Like these  "If you have a small knob then buy a big  car"  magazines but  subtly different  :D


I read the bit in question last night and frankly I'm astonished that T&S actually published it. They claim to draw their readership from a wide spectrum of anglers; did no-one on the editorial staff even consider that it might ruffle a few feathers?. It was to my mind blatant arrogance, and whilst most salmon fishers would no doubt appreciate the actions of a thoughtful and considerate trout fisher on the beat I'm sure the majority would not see 'respect' from same as their 'right' simply because they have rented the fishing.
                        For me however the issue is that T&S should not have published it worded the way it is and enough is enough, I shall no longer be buying this particular angling publication.

                                Anyway, tightstring, Greenwell.


Quote from: greenwell on September 09, 2006, 10:29:18 PM
most salmon fishers would no doubt appreciate the actions of a thoughtful and considerate trout fisher

Indeed, and most trout anglers would also appreciate the thoughtful and considerate salmon fisher. Actually most salmon fishers I have met have been OK, but then again I have not met that many.


Yes Hamish,  how I hate the attitudes in that magazine. Reactionary  neo-fascism or heads stuck so far up their own arses they can't see the light of day?

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