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£1000 Trout rods

Started by Highlander, September 15, 2018, 11:49:26 PM

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Quote from: johnny boy on October 08, 2018, 02:42:54 PM
Owch, just googled his site, eye watering prices, I guess you must have tried one of his rods somewhere before splashing that amount of Wonga.

I did Johnny some years ago – although not the version I have ordered - and I could give you a lengthy explanation (complete waffle really :D) of why it is the best technical solution to my style of fishing. The truth is it was a bit like when I first picked up a Sage Click reel; that just transmitted "buy me" vibes direct to my brain until I did so. Not that I have ever regretted it.
As an aside, as I get older I find shorter and softer rods much easier to manage all day. And as most of my fish come from quite close in I do not need the "power" of stiffer rods to hurl a fly to the horizon. When we were fishing together earlier in the year I was using an 8½ ft rod. After that trip I used an 8ft rod for the whole rest of the season. And caught plenty of fish.


I am sure I have an old Milbro fibreglass rod in the garage. I can let you have it for $1000 plus postage. Save yourself a few bob?


Quote from: Laxdale on October 08, 2018, 07:11:22 PM
I am sure I have an old Milbro fibreglass rod in the garage. I can let you have it for $1000 plus postage. Save yourself a few bob?
Thanks for the thought but I still have my no-name fibre glass rod from 50 years ago.
If I could lift it now I might start using it again as it caught me my biggest ever wild brownie - 6lb  :D :D

Sean Freeman

Tom Morgan rods are absolutely stunning, I've handled one of his cane rods and also a couple of Tom Moran's cane rods also. The alternative tackle company do them every now and then as well as Burkheimers which are also beauties! Mark Leggett the owner is a top bloke too.

I just bought a Sage X from a friend in the tackle industry for around 30% off, still a lot but it'll see a hell of a lot of use. The closed season will be long and cold waiting to use that. I'm already dreaming of warm July evenings when the river is alive with trout rising to blue winged olives! :mrgreen:


For those interested:

But as I said earlier, my "fish of a lifetime" was caught using a rod costing less than £1 and has not been matched since with tackle costing silly money. A few times I have come close though ......



Very pretty but will it catch any more fish than my existing rods? Almost certainly not.
Will it cast further than my existing rods? Actually no.
Is it more accurate than my existing rods? Not that I can tell.
Will it impress other anglers? Unlikely, as I usually fish alone or with one good friend who already teases me unmercifully about being a tackle tart – and anyway, I am long long past caring what other people think.
Am I happy with it? Absolutely delighted. Casts like a dream.

PS. Afraid if you want one for this season you are unlucky☹️.  Nearly 11 months from enquiry to delivery.


Fantastic looking rod, hard to tell from the photos and I don't think you mentioned it earlier so let's have the low down on it :-) What length? I hope you get lots of enjoyment from it and have a very many fish on it as well. Bring yourself back to Lewis and get a salmon, sea trout and brown trout on it :-)

I have a Dave Lewis rod that, I guess, is of similar quality etc. but mine is maybe nearly 20 years old and is on a 6 weight 11 foot. I don't remember what it cost back then, with import fees etc., but think it was somewhere around £400. Nice rod and I enjoy having it but as I've mentioned before I mostly fish Leeda rods with my fave being one I bought many years ago and that was inexpensive even then. Expensive rods are not necessary, but if they give you pleasure then just go for it.

Anyone looking a good read for a Saturday can nip over to Dave's web site and check out his rods and his photo journals and reports on fishing in the USA, great writing and photos. Dave is dead so there's nothing for sale but it is an enjoyable way to pass an afternoon:


Quote from: caorach on April 13, 2019, 04:25:43 PM
Fantastic looking rod, hard to tell from the photos and I don't think you mentioned it earlier so let's have the low down on it :-) What length? I hope you get lots of enjoyment from it and have a very many fish on it as well. Bring yourself back to Lewis and get a salmon, sea trout and brown trout on it :-)
Hello Phillip
It's an 8½ ft #5 weight. The build quality and finish of the rod, bag and tube are truly stunning – all like works of art although I accept the fish will not appreciate this.
The only refinements I chose were alignment dots and a fly "keeper".
I have finally learned most of my trout come from close to the bank so horizon casting is unnecessary and perhaps even counterproductive. Also, I find shorter rods are much kinder to my shoulder if out all day.
And I have moved away from stiff pokers to softer more through-action rods which definitely describes the TM. It has a VERY smooth action.
Although I mostly fish #3 and #4 weight rods these days with a single dry, the excuse was I needed a #5 weight rod shorter than those in my existing 9 ft and 10ft collection for windier days.
The Dave Lewis rods look very good and I like dealing with small firms. There are some excellent boutique rod builders around but care is needed. My friend you met when we were on Lewis bought an expensive bespoke rod after a few swishes of a test model and reading a review. The rod is beautifully made but the blank action does not suit him at all and he much prefers his much cheaper mass-market rod. The expensive one never gets used.


Quote from: arawa on April 13, 2019, 06:15:11 PM
My friend you met when we were on Lewis bought an expensive bespoke rod after a few swishes of a test model and reading a review. The rod is beautifully made but the blank action does not suit him at all and he much prefers his much cheaper mass-market rod. The expensive one never gets used.

Yours sounds like a great all rounder, I prefer longer rods myself but to be honest I don't think they give any huge advantage in many circumstances.

You do make a good point though - you can test rods and all looks good but once you've been on the water for a day or two with them you realize that they simply aren't for you. Now people are adaptable and so can make most stuff work but on the other hand it is nice to have something that just feels right. I think that this might be why, in part, I've taken to buying inexpensive rods as then if it takes you a month to decide you don't like it there is no big loss and they seems just as likely to work for you as an expensive one. However, this is not to take away from the fact that you've bought one not just because it works but also because you like it and I think that is a perfectly good justification as well and was what I did with the Dave Lewis rod. Once the season gets going get yourself on the ferry and we'll try to get you a 6lb trout on the new rod :-)


Low cost does not always mean low quality  blanks. I was talking one day with an equipment rep who told me to go into Frank Thompsons in Crieff (now closed). "I know they have XXXX rods for sale at £74 because I just supplied them. Go now and try one because those blanks normally go into rods that sell with a zero added after the 74." So I  went and bought one and a smooth powerful rod it is; even if the cork is not top quality the rod is very good to use.
~  <°))))):><       ~   <°))))):><

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