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Design flaw....

Started by sagecirca, April 04, 2017, 08:28:50 PM

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This is my 3rd pair of Simms G4 Boa boots.  This will be now be the 3rd time I have had to send them back after a seasons moderate use (7-8 trips a month).  There's no way professional guides can get a full season out of a pair of boots. 


There kit is good but for the money I'd like to get more than a season use!


Not so good. Wading boots are perhaps the single most troublesome item of kit I buy. Usually it's  soles coming off with me. I have still to find boots that will  last a single trip to New Zealand.


Cheese wire springs to mind!  That's me alternating between different pairs as well.  I have not found their customer service to be that great either.  I have had several issues with waders over the years. 


If you can get a season out of breathable waders or wading boots you're doing well, they're just not built to last. I got greys strata boots last year because they looked really durable which they were until a load of the lace holders fell off on one boot  on the stravaig to uist :roll:
Took them back to GAC though and they replaced them under warranty......might do the same at the end of this season  :lol:


Quote from: Lochan_load on April 04, 2017, 09:10:23 PM
If you can get a season out of breathable waders or wading boots you're doing well, they're just not built to last. I got greys strata boots last year because they looked really durable which they were until a load of the lace holders fell off on one boot  on the stravaig to uist :roll:
Took them back to GAC though and they replaced them under warranty......might do the same at the end of this season  :lol:

Couple of my mates have had issues with Greys Statat boots for the exact same reasons as yourself.  GAC wouldn't help them and they both ended up shaming Greys on social media.  Funnily enough they were soon sent new replacements not long after!

Waders are mental money these days.  I keep saying to myself that I should buy cheap ones but I never do.


I really like the boots, comfiest I've had but like others just didn't last. Have to say GAC were really good but maybe they'd had loads back and decided enough was enough?
Had considered getting the vass chest waders with boot foot as my mate had a pair and they've lasted him years and he works in them but I usually do a fair bit of walking in mine so need to be breathable, lightweight etc so probably just have to take the expense of buying new ones every season  on the chin!


What waders you wearing these days?


I've got the matching strata chest waders which were good until I punctured the knee  :roll: I've fixed that now so hopefully get another season out of them, they've only got seams down either side of the legs which makes sense. Also got scierra cc3 waist waders that I wear when I'm doing a bit more walking, they're pretty leaky now but they've got a load of little seams at the knees so they bend and taper down but probably not the best for waterproofness (if that's a word  :lol:)

corsican dave

never trusted the boa system. it originated in ski boots quite a few years ago now and still re-surfaces now and again. the first year we must've had close to 100% returns.... :roll: why on earth anyone thought it was going to be a good idea for wading boots is beyond me. having said that, the problem appears to be abrasion of the surrounding fabric and not a break-down of the system itself?

however, i'm quite a fan of simms gear having had the g3 pro boot for three seasons now. and i'm wading through boggy shite a lot of the time, not pristine freestone streams. i do look after the leather with a good waxing a couple of times a season tho'. soles appear to be bomb-proof. so far.
If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're probably doing something wrong - John Gierach


(Touches wood)
I seem to be getting good wear from my Redington Prowler boots, bought and used them tail end of 2015 season, used all last season (70-80 outings) and looking good with no wear other than sole this season.  Take studs well in the little sunken slots and don't lose them falling out.  £150 well spent.


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