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What pocket Binos

Started by desmondo, November 14, 2013, 06:37:47 PM

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Not quite sure which forum this belongs to but here goes on this one.
When I'm out fishing I like to have a pair of lightweight binos with me just in case I want to scout out the river or passing wildlife. My Nikon sports binos have finally got bashed up enough that it is time for replacement. These were a good pocket sized pair and had good optics. I might just go for same again but would be interested in any thoughts/preferences you guys have. Unlike the wife I can change bino models without too much aggro. Without spending a fortune any suggestions welcome.


My wife got me  Hawke 10x25 Endurance bino's a couple of years ago. They are not the best but they have survived a lot of abuse and they are waterproof. Not too light but better than the old ones my dad left me!

Good for fishing and for boats.



Just had a quick look at these online. Ooops! Did not realise she had spent that much. £100+!



I have a pair of these  in 8x42 that I keep in the car all the time and have found them very good; waterproof & nitrogen filled is pretty good for under £50. The 10x25 might be a better size for what you're looking for. 


Thanks not familiar with them I will have a look on internet later, ta,


Worth considering 2nd hand, I was looking for a set of bins over the summer and looked at lots of 2nd hand sets, I found several sets of Leica 8 x 25 2nd hand for around the £100 mark. These were too small for me as I'm on the look out for multiple game keepers something with a larger field of view.

In the end I plumped for a pricy set of Minox HG 8 x 43 which I managed to pick up by ordering via holland for €660 (as opposed to £680 lowest I found in the UK). Not what your after but during the search I did look through these and was mightily impressed, for around the £100 mark both glass and spec are hard to beat without going 2nd hand and spending a little more;

I decided to go for the HG 8 x 43 and whilst they aren't really a pocket set, they do fit in my jacket pocket and are actually more in line with what I was after. If I were going for a little set I would have bought the wee Minox compacts, waterproof is whats need if out and about fishing and the quality of the glass was really impressive, with bins though, I think one has to look through them before one buys. 


Just a few years back I bought a pair of Pentax DCF LV 9x28 and a 5.6degrees f.o.v.. Superb in use. Very bright and clear and depth of focus. Waterproof, snow proof, fog proof and nitrogen filled with phase coated BAC4 glass. Highly rated 4 years back as the best of what now is called "mid-compact" in size.
~  <°))))):><       ~   <°))))):><


Thanks for the tips, as always the site has given me a few things to consider that I would not have done so previously. I appreciate that testing is always best and if so I will do so but at this level I am prepared to take a chance. Thanks to you all. Des


Finally I got around to buying a new compact pair. Opted for the Hawke Sapphire ED 8x42 and delighted with them. Small lightweight and superb optics for what I need. So easy to carry around, the bigger ones will be left in the car now.

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