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Started by Wildfisher, June 01, 2012, 11:26:26 AM

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I removed  1/2 doz.  ticks from The Dug when I got home from the North West at the weekend. One had expanded to the size of a blackcurrant. Nasty wee devils  these. Looks like it might be a bad year for them after the mild winter, so check carefully. Lymes disease is not nice.


What did you treat the dug with in advance? Advantix or Frontline or something else?
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


I didn't even know there was such a thing. I have to say I am not comfortable with the idea of applying  systemic insecticides to The Dug  (I assume that's what they are?), I would not use them on myself. Admittedly I know nothing about them or any side effects they may have. Perhaps it would be more of an issue if I lived farther west though.



Quote from: admin on June 01, 2012, 11:50:56 AM
I didn't even know there was such a thing. I have to say I am not comfortable with the idea of applying  systemic insecticides to The Dug  (I assume that's what they are?), I would not use them on myself. Admittedly I know nothing about them or any side effects they may have. Perhaps it would be more of an issue if I lived farther west though.

It's a balance of risks of course (they are systemic insecticides), and not just to the Dug but then of the Dug transferring them to you.
A dose lasts a month, we restrict it to tick season, and have had no problems, The Dug is on deer trails could just do it for West Coast trips.
I know we have an expert on the forum, hopefully he'll comment on any side-effects, but we have not seen any on our badly-behaved black Lab.
Any tick bite here that develops a red ring around it and you are on antibiotics for a fortnight, Lymes disease is not to be trifled with.
I have seen visiting dugs miserable with them, and a blackcurrant sized one is small beer, trust me.

EDIT- we use Frontline, not Advantix.
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


I heard the banning of sheep dips has caused a tick population explosion, don't know if that's true or not.  Do you have to get these treatments via the vet?


Vet only I think.
Wrong again, available on the web, cheaper from our Vet.
Must remember to consult SWMBO before posting pish in the Forum!
Still wrong! We use Frontline Combo, which is prescription only- correct at the time of typing!
I'll give up on this thread until our expert comes online!
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


I remember returning from Glenelg one WINTER and finding a blackcurrant sized tick on me. I had no idea it was even there. That was back in the late 1970s and  Lymes disease had not been identified in the UK then I don't think. That's the danger, unless you spot them they can be on you for a very long time indeed and you won't even know it. There's a lot to be said for chest waders when hill loch fishing.

Otter Spotter

We use Frontline on the cat, I believe that once it has dried it has no effect on humans.
From the site

FRONTLINE Spot On is non-systemic.

FRONTLINE Spot On has a non-systemic mode of action. FRONTLINE Spot On kills parasites through contact, not via the pet's bloodstream.
I used to be a surrealist but now I'm just fish.


We dosed our elkhound with Avantix this week. She has spent the last couple of days scratching. In fact she was so eager to scratch that she was stumbling when she walked as her back legs were twitching forward, as she walked, in her haste get at the itchiness. Of course there is always the possibility of this having nothing to do with the dose and she was just itchy with moulting but I'm not taking the chance again. Thankfully it has eased off now - perhaps due to a bath and giving her coat a long brush out.

This was the first time we have used Avantix after years of using Frontline.

There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this

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