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How Often Do You Buy Fishing Magazines?

Started by Wildfisher, January 19, 2012, 10:10:05 AM

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How Often Do You Buy Fishing Magazines?

Every Month
6 (12%)
Now and then
11 (22%)
Rarely or never
33 (66%)

Total Members Voted: 34


Just out of interest and further to the thread of magazine circulation, it's  while since we had one of these polls.

Last mags I bought were at Glasgow Airport  February 2011 (with Alex).  I never read them and decided to buy no more.


I don't buy them any more and have not done so for quite a while. Indeed I very rarely buy any magazines or papers at all now, I can get all I need or want from the internet, more selectively, of better quality, much cheaper overall, and without having piles of stuff left over that I eventually have to get rid of.



Used to buy them all every month without fail, but after a while I got fed up with the same articles appearing month after month in different titles. Add to that the growing number of advertisements, and the fact that very little in them interests me anymore I just don't see the point in spending the money on them.
Idea for you Fred, start publishing a bi-monthly wild fishing magazine (on paper) I would deffinately buy every issue.



Actually Daz I think the day of the printed mag. has passed. Cost, poor quality, boredom through repetitiveness  and waste are all factors I think.

Books are forever, mags. are not.

I think of them as being a bit like unnecessary packing on fly lines: cardboard boxes, plastic spools etc  Pointless and destined to end up in the bin. Just my opinion of course.  :)


Used to buy them regularly 10 years ago. Now I only buy them when going on holiday or flying for something to read. I'll also buy one if there is a particularly noteable article but stopped getting taken in by this month's must have fly or the latest innovation in  tying materials a long, long time ago.

trout n about

For what i do, its pointless buying any magazines. As you were saying Fred, books are forever. This forum is a big learning curv, more info and knowledge on here with you guys than any magazine can publish.




Had to be the one (to date) who answered yes!
In truth it is my wee sister who buys me an annual subscription for my Christmas.
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


It's a fact of life that things change. The Internet is / will affect mags in the same way as digital cameras have done for Kodak who recently filed for bankruptcy protection. Who could have imagined that 20 years ago?

In both cases the substance remains;  the delivery technology / media has changed.

I recall that at least one of the stockie bashing orientated mags has added  iphone style formats to it's portfolio. I wonder if  that will be enough though? Free and dynamic, as in web content,  will be hard to compete with.


I buy the odd one, as a treat, if there's an article or two that catches my eye.  £3.40 or whatever it is for a couple of minutes reading the article you bought it for does seem a bit of a waste.  Call me old fashioned, but there is something nice about flicking through the pages of a hard copy though.  I also like the big, glossy pictures, maybe I'm a bit simples though  :roll: :lol:

I think there's something to be said for multiple types of media - each is more suited to a particular time and place.  I can get most of the content of a Sunday newspaper on line, but there's something nice about sitting down with a coffee and turning the pages . . . for me, the same goes with Magazines.  That said, I do buy a lot fewer than I used to.

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