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My Fly Tying Life Ambition

Started by Wildfisher, May 28, 2011, 06:16:54 PM

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Is  to go to  the  Lakeland Fly Tying website and for them to have most of the items I want to buy in stock.


Quote from: admin on May 28, 2011, 06:16:54 PM
Is  to go to  the  Lakeland Fly Tying website and for them to have most of the items I want to buy in stock.

I don't bother with them now if I can get it elsewhere.


I'm not sure what the problem is. Not carrying enough stock? Too many customers chasing very little stock? I don't know. All I know is every time I make a list and go onto the site I can't  get at least half of it, so I usually don't bother.  It's a real pain as well as a bit of a shame. Who else would you recommend Dennis?


I'll jump in first if you don't mind admin

I too gave up with them some years back. No point having a Rolls Royce if you can't get the spares.
For what it is worth Cookshill is good for natural materials but suffers to my mind by not having on line purchasing. More annoying than any thing else. Niche products are generally good.
They say Spiders Plus has good service if the amount of posts praising them on Fish & Fly has anything to go by. There are many others good bad & in different. Artifly comes to mind in the latter, good materials but dire business sense & one to avoid. On occasion if I need some basic kit I use Sport Fish.
Celtic Fly Craft run can hot & cold from what I hear, good & bad reports.
As I always maintain you are only as good as your last order delivery, get it right & you get praise get it wrong & suffer the buyers wrath.
Tight Lines
Oh My Ambition
Is to get a pair of wings from the same bird.
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


I have a similar ambition for GAC.


I have purchased form Spider Plus/The Fly Tying Boutique and Phil has been great.  One order an item was not in stock and instead of waiting a week he sent what he had and the last item to follow.  Not necessary as I am in the states, but greatly appreciated. I agree about CooksHill, an online shop would be better for me as I add items to the online cart when I think of something and buy when the order is worth the trouble.  The Essential Fly has been very good for me, several orders happily received.
I have had dealings with a few that I will never again, but who hasn't.


I'll put in a good word for McHardy's of Carlisle. On more than one occasion the have been out of stock, but they called me and offered a better substitute at the same price.
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


Quote from: admin on May 28, 2011, 09:32:26 PM
Who else would you recommend Dennis?

I usually buy capes etc at BFFI where I can see them first. Everything else is either Cookshill, flytying boutique, Niche or Wharfedale angling. I know that from those four I can get most of what I need and in good quality. Even on the odd occasion that I buy capes I tell them exactly what I want and always get that or they say sorry no-can-do, but how about....   


Quote from: col on May 29, 2011, 08:16:26 PM
Found the guy at Lathkill flyfishing first class! Very helpful as well!

I'll second that!


Quote from: Steve on June 04, 2011, 07:28:01 AM
guess what? .....
out of stock  :shock:

I find that very hard to believe Steve  :roll:


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