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Started by Rabmax, May 24, 2010, 12:25:10 AM

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Hello all looking for some advice on what types & colours of saddles i need to buy that will cover most hatches throughout the season.I will be tying mostly Adams small Emergers some klinkhammers & some old fashioned Dry hackled spiders.I already have Grizzle & Grizzle dyed dark olive a Cree a Black a Red Game & a Badger.I also want to do some Yellow May Duns would a light Grizzle dyed yellow do or would it be better to get a cream saddle dyed yellow.Any advice would be welcome. Cheers


You've got all you need there. Except for the Yellow May. My own preference would be for a yellow dyed grizzle to cover that one.


Cheers Scotfly the wife will be happy then that i won't be spending too much more.One thing though i was going to buy some Veniards SLF i imagine it will dub pretty small.But will the emergers bodies sink OK with SLF or would i be better adding a copper or gold rib to add a little weight to the body. Cheers

Clan Ford

I don't have any problem using SLF on emerger bodies, I usually just use the tying thread as a rib.



I'm the same as Norm. I rarely use wire ribs now.
Depending on what sizes you're tying SLF will suffice, (provided it's masterclass or finesse) but if you're tying 16's and smaller I'd be more inclined to use a finer dubbing such as fly-rite or similar.

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