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new loch rod wanted, any suggestions

Started by alba, April 26, 2010, 04:50:14 PM

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looking to purchase a new rod for all my stillwater fishing, 9ft6 or 10ft, prob 7 or 8wt, anyone had anything new recently that they loved or didnt like?, budgets ?200 folks

River Chatter

A 7 or 8 weight feels a bit heavy for me these days, although like many a 7 weight was my default rod for loch fidhing for years.  While there are advantages in terms of cutting through the wind, the comfort of casting a 5 weight for lengthy periods of time is worth the sacrifice to me. 


ave never used a 5wt much, just dont want to lose to much distance when casting for bank fishing if i need that extra 8- 10 yards


I bought a 10ft 7wt Greys X-flite last year, nicely finished and a pleasure to use. However am now considering in getting a 10ft 5wt rod as after a full day fishing my casting starts to get a bit messy.




Quote from: alba on April 26, 2010, 05:33:35 PM
ave never used a 5wt much, just dont want to lose to much distance when casting for bank fishing if i need that extra 8- 10 yards

I felt the need to jump on this one! Big common misconception - distance comes down to technique more than anything! A 5wt line can be cast over 140' by some, now that is 100% pure technique! I can't do that but I can cast a full #5 line without much effort. You'd be amazed how far it will go with a bit of care!

Whilst a heavy outfit might give you a small advantage you should be looking at technique and more importantly what you're going to be casting. Match your line weight to size/weight of flies and you'll do well. And besides if you do have a #5 and REALLY need easy distance just go for the shooting head approach.

You may find for wild brownies that a #5 or #6 will serve you better, better presentation is a given but you'll feel much more mobile and less tired with the lighter rod. Food for thought  :8)

PS - the new loop evotec is getting some cracking reviews, spoken to a few today about it. I'm planning on trying it at the weekend or might even just buy one, will let you know!


cheers scotty let me know how u get on.


Quote from: Sandfly on April 26, 2010, 07:34:48 PM
Try fishing along the shoreline rather than casting into the distance.

Good advice. The best rod I have is a 4/5wt loch style made my Martin at aquarius. It can cast 20 yards but the sport when youcatch something is great. I often think we fish far too heavily. Also from experience fish especially browns are always in shallow water feeding  so casting far is not really necessary.





One of the clubs I am a member of has a rod trialling session every year.

Last year there was a fun casting competition:
distance casting, accuracy, roll casting distance and of the 30 or so people there only one or two people, as I remember it, cast further with a big, heavy 7/8 weight than they did with a 5 weight.

You can get a lot of rod for ?200. David Norwich does nice rods on unground blanks (which I prefer) for around ?200 of much higher quality than most but never buy blind.

There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


Quote from: Sandfly on April 26, 2010, 07:34:48 PM
One point I would question, why would you need the extra 8-10 yards? Try fishing along the shoreline rather than casting into the distance.
Many people make the mistake of walking right up to the waters edge before having a cast, lots of fish feed very close to the side, think about traditional style boat angling, they cast towards the shore and draw their flies back.


the 8- 10 yards comment was just for needting to cover a fish with the dries, I never have any problems with distance or accurace really just i usually fisuh an 8wt and after a long day it kills me, one trip last year a fished kinnardochy on the boat for about 12 - 13 hours and it nearly caused me to loose my arm lo

cheers for all the comments folks all taken in, having never used anything as small as a 5 or 6 wt on a stillwater was just wondering everyones oppionion.


Quote from: alba on April 26, 2010, 08:05:59 PM

cheers for all the comments folks all taken in, having never used anything as small as a 5 or 6 wt on a stillwater was just wondering everyones oppionion.

One thing you will quickly realise is that a #5 or #6 is not small!

Are you fishing big heavy lures as the norm?

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