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Glasgow Casting Club

Started by Blanefishing, August 13, 2009, 11:42:49 AM

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Just an update on some of the recent posts we meet on a Thursday evening at Knightswood Park pond from 6.30 ish.  There are beginners and experienced guys and even one or two level 2, GAIA, APGAI et al coaches on hand to help out and give advice.  It is an opportunity to practice your casting, polish up your double hauls etc.  In addition it gives you an opportunity to try rods and lines that you maybe are thinking of buying.  Also if you have any specific problems such as what wrecked my line? or how to make or what sort of leader to use then we can try to sort it for you.

It is very informal so do not expect intensive 1-2-1 sessions.  As part of our deal with the council we have had to take out 3rd party insurance so we charge ?1 for attendance to pay for it.  When the nights draw in we have permission to meet on a sunday from 9am until mid day which we will start to use probably in mid september but I will post a notice when we do.  This club is partly an extension of Milngavie Flydressers who will be planning to get some speakers during the winter month this will give us a bigger audiance base and if you have any suggestions for speakers please let me know.  So far I have had Charles Jardine suggested and Paul Proctor again as we had him up last year.

Finally we get about 20 rods attend mostly trout but some salmon also.  We do tend to get glued to the pond but there is also lots of grass around which for trout casts can be just as effective and sometimes less distracting if you want to practice something in particular.

If I can help further please ask.  I will not be there until late tonight 13th as I have a piping festival to run.

Alberto Laidlaw



Quote from: Bandy Catcher on August 13, 2009, 01:06:20 PM
I applaud your initiative in setting this up Alberto. Sadly, it's too far for me to come midweek. Perhaps, when you start the Sunday sessions, I can find another reason to visit Glasgow and come down for a session. God knows, my casting needs some help!

Just a question - Is it ok for people just to turn up on the day, or should they contact you first?


Hi John, I'd imagine you'd be fine just to turn up. That's what i did and there seemed to be no problem. Heck you could organise a fishing trip somewhere central for the saturday, stay over and hit the casting club on a sunday morning. Endless possibilities.....  :D


For anyone thinking of coming along to this, it is fine to just turn up on spec.

The amount of help/instruction varies according to who turns up on the night, so sometimes there can be a degree of 1-2-1 and sometimes not, so you shouldn't rely on this.


Protect the edge.


Its ok to just turn up keep a look out for a post re the sunday sessions



I took a nip along tonight but arrived late so didn't want to intrude. I think I saw Malcolm there.
I asked a couple of guys if they had caught anything. But they weren't having any luck.  :wink:
It's a great idea, the organisers should be applauded.


I enjoyed going last night. I probably won't be a regular as it compromises my sea trout fishing but I was shown 2 casts last night. One of which will be very useful on occasions and one which scrambled my head. Thanks Alex and Zoomer.

There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this



It was great bto see you there sorry about the skagit



I can't believe that you came and did not say hello people come and go all evening so next time just get a rod out


River Chatter

I'm really pleased I made the effort to get along to the Casting Club last night. Great bunch of guys. I found it very informal and laid-back, just as I like it, with a good range of casting abilities on show to keep things interesting. There was no sense of competition either (other than some tongue in cheek stuff), which was a relief as my casting's 'not all that'. Just generous amounts of tips and banter. Great to meet some other Forum members too, which is always interesting and often surprising. Who'd have thought that Zoomer would be so very old, and the antithesis of respectable for example? Just goes to show, you think you know someone based on their online identity! Anyway, hats off to you auld yin for managing out and it's nice that you can still get a yard or two of line on the water between puffs on your inhaler and despite your arthritic elbow and catarracts. Is it true you turn your hearing aids up full so that you can time your hauls using the ticking sound from your pacemaker? :lol: Seriously, Zoomer, you're a modest chap for someone that casts 30 yards without breaking sweat! I'll watch and learn at future meets. Cracking wee Club which everyone can benefit from - thoroughly recommended it!  :D


Quote from: Blanefishing on August 14, 2009, 09:50:39 AM
I can't believe that you came and did not say hello people come and go all evening so next time just get a rod out


Will do, sorry for not saying hello. :oops:

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