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How do you make the 'V' in the USD ?

Started by stickleback, March 12, 2007, 06:03:06 PM

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I finally got round to trying my hand at the USD but I can't figure out how to make a nice balanced 'V'.  So far they've all come out lopsided.  I've read the other USD posts but still can't properly figure it out. Can anyone give some advice on how to do it ?  I'm self taught and fairly ham fisted so any advice will be gratefully received. :hookarse;


Stickleback, which one are we talking about?
If the step by step I did, when you do the figure of eight wraps between the wings check after each wrap that things are central. If not simply move them with your fingers before doing the next wrap, then check again and repeat if necessary. Do the same check after you have posted the wings, if they're not central simply manoeuvre them until they are.


Sorry, it's Traditionalist's USD with hare's fur I was meaning. 
QuoteCan you explain a bit more about how you get the V.

Certainly.  Tie the bunch in as shown, and then simply divide it into two, ( use your fingers, or a needle to separate one half of the bunch form the other half), and wrap the thread a couple of times between the two bunches. The "V" is automatic.

I'm not clear on the bit about wrapping the thread a couple of times between the bunches.  I've tried figuring of eighting it but the thread keeps slipping over the fur.  Is this right or do I just need to practice a bit more. :?

The General


Have sat for hours trying to work out figure of eight in my head to end up with
the thread still going the same way round the hook.   


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