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Dropper knots

Started by James Dunlop, May 20, 2013, 03:29:36 PM

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Midgie Hater

Three or four turn water knots for me, and i've used (and still use) Drennan Subsurface, as well as Maxima Green or Chamaeleon. Apart from anything else, the water knot is at least fairly easy to tie at the waterside, and tying on a new tippet is simple if required. A full blood knot is neater, and probably makes the dropper stand out better,. but even in the living room I became fraught trying to get a full blood knot right, so hats off to those who can do one with relative ease!

Considering trying the Grinner at some point for tying on wets, as some insist that it allows the fly to move more "naturally" in the current or on the retrieve?

There's an argument, I believe, about which "section" of a tapered cast each dropper should be made from. Again, some seem to insist (and they're probably right) that the dropper should be made from the next, thinner/lighter section so it stands out better and is less liable to tangle, but I always prefer to make the dropper from the heavier length (i.e nearer the fly line) in case I get broken off at any point, because then you dont lose the fly. That's the theory at least.


Subsurface green is fine just the double strength drennan that i hate but you cant beat maxima as far as i care for normal nylon line

James Dunlop

Well thanks guys for all your replies. That was really helpful. I think you have converted me to standard mono. No point on using the low diameter stuff if its going to lose me fish.


Quote from: James Dunlop on May 21, 2013, 06:35:02 PM
No point on using the low diameter stuff if its going to lose me fish.

it is good for dries.

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