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Coq de leon for tailing

Started by col, May 06, 2011, 11:30:16 PM

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 Ive been scanning the internet , ive saw full capes and what looks like seperate hackles they look differant in the pics , are they the same ? Any one know of any good deals for it just now?



What flies would you use coq de leon for ?


The feathers of these birds are generally using for tailing & in that guise they are ideal. Far far better that Micro Fibbets. In my opinion they are not really good for hackling as they tend to be very long in the webb. There are patterns though throughout the world that do indeed use them but many have to be cut to size & to me that goes against the grain. There are some good example on Hans (Flytiers) site.
This one in particular,
a gentleman that sent me some original feathers from the Leon area of Spain many years ago. Whiting do them but they are USA bred birds & not a patch on the Spanish ones who have that unique diet that gives the sheen to the feather. I have never used the cape but only the bright ones plucked from the rooster so can not comment on any other hackles from the bird. I particularly like the Pardo & Indio feathers.
Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

Andrew Moray

Hello Col,

Just to add to what Alan said, the leaflet I got with the Spanish ones I got suggested it was the radioactive soil in the area that produced the distinctive sheen  :D.
This was about 5 years ago, before they had competition from Whitings.
The Whitings capes are nowhere near the quality of the plucked Spanish feathers, but I have no hangups using them instead.
Although the initial outlay will be more expensive, you'd never run out  :D.



" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

whinging pom

I use them for tailing on dries, but wether i put too big a bunch in or i am just generally crap at fly tying, the tails seem to tug out easy unless your really careful bedding them down.

.......... which made me realise that, The flies where still landing good and as the fish where still taking the flies without the tail, that it seems alot of bother with expensive feathers for a appendage the trout dont care about.


If you are having trouble tailing a wee hint is to put a turn round the back  under & over. It acts as a lock to the fibres. Do not use too many to start with helps.  :)
I use two/three fibres to imitate tails & I sometime create a wee ball of thread to help splay them out but usually a figure of eight finish positions them nicely.

Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

whinging pom

Thanks for the tip highlander, i will give it a go. And thinking about it I really cant think what possessed my to think that bunches would be better. using it as filaments makes much more sense. Doh!

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