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Recommended book for modern/trad patterns?

Started by drumgerry, January 31, 2006, 11:58:02 PM

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Hi all

I wonder if someone could recommend a good book of fly patterns for rivers/lochs perhaps with a  Scottish flavour?  Both modern and traditional patterns and with some discussion of the flies as well.

Can anyone help?




Many thanks Uncleboo!  A visit to Amazon methinks now.




Thanks for the further info Uncleboo and for the great links Davy! :)

I suppose thinking about it I've probably got enough stuff on the classic patterns in a few of the texts I already have.  It's the newer stuff I'm not really up to speed with.  You know all the flies that have the modern shiny, holographic, tinsely, translucent gubbins attached.  Or the variations on the classics with the added said gubbins!  But I've ordered 12 back issues of FF&FT magazine so hopefully there'll be some clues in that lot.

On another note.....treated myself at last to a decent vice.  A Dyna-king Barracuda - yeah I know the credit card has scorch marks from that one but it is a thing of beauty and sooo well designed!  But the wee viday-o (to quote Boaby from "Absolutely" - anyone remember that?) that came with it disna play on my VHS machine.  Anyone got any ideas?  Usually I don't have a problem playing US format NTSC stuff.  But the tape casing has a crack in it so maybe the machine's spitting it oot because of that.



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