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Bright, maybe gaudy flies, for Sutherland lochs?

Started by Dryfly, May 26, 2010, 08:50:34 AM

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Hi guys

Off to my favourite place in the big wide world again in a few weeks (Scourie).

I'm a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to my bob fly choice up there opting for rather dark, dullish flies most of the time (loch ordies, kate mcclaren, zulu etc). However, up there this April (I know, I'm a lucky guy with a very understanding partner :8)) I was getting a bit desperate and resorted to sticking on a golden bumble having not moved a fish for a few hours and bingo, immediate success.

So, it looks like I ve been a bit foolish and I need to brighten up the bob fly box (yes, I know it's a bit sad but I carry different boxes for bob flies, wets, dries (big and small) etc...

Any tips out therefore for successful bright and shiny bob flies that I should be tying up for the hill lochs?


The Doobry is a fly which does well on bright days.


A Dunkeld with a globrite tail and muddler head. Works a treat for me in Assynt.


Thanks guys. I ve only had the one sea trout on a Doobry before (on Lewis). Probably cos I never use it really. I liked the skinny one, I'll certainly give that a go on the bench. As for the Dunkeld. I'm not so sure. It's one of my favourite first dropper flies on a sunny day and I just wonder if two similar ones might be too much?

I could of course always take the Dunkeld off and give it a go! I ve a mate who always does very well indeed with something similer for salmon up there.

less than 4 weeks to go now. 27 days and 23 hours :P


You don't have a recipe for the Orange invitica by any chance???


I think the orange invicta is the same fly as the orangeman which is a famous seatrout fly on Lomond. I've got a couple in my seatrout box and as far as I can see the only difference is the orange seals fur body.
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