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Flees for bad weather

Started by Guddler, May 08, 2009, 07:11:21 PM

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What with all this cold and windy weather we've been having the last week or two, is there such a thing as flees for bad weather? When it's faaarrr too cold for airborne insects and the tops are ripping off the white horses, what do you go for?

I used a biggish #10 Ace of Spades and hooked and lost a good fish on a right coorse night this week. Is a sinking lure the right way ahead in these sort of conditions? Is there any point in trying a big muddler or the like on the surface?


QuoteIs a sinking lure the right way ahead in these sort of conditions? Is there any point in trying a big muddler or the like on the surface?

I'd say that was about right. I'd leave the surface muddler until milder conditions.

Protect the edge.


Quote from: guest on May 08, 2009, 11:48:28 PM
Big Sedge, hog or muddler on the bob - Make the trout "want" to come up for it with something more traditional and smaller on the point - works a treat for me :D

So I see! :lol:

Cheers for the advice guys. I was fishing a bushy Peach Sedgehog on the bob at the time, maybe that did just as you suggest.


I've often found a wee black spider to be most effective when the waves are churning up the shore line...I've had a few beautiful brownies in this way in weather you'd normally never fish in. It's one of my favourite flies in bad weather.


As a general rule I have found yellow bodied flies to be useful on cold days & in particular Springtime.
Not written in stone but an observation from a lifetime of Trout fishing.
Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

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