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Nice Bloke?

Started by River Chatter, November 19, 2008, 08:09:50 PM

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River Chatter

I followed the advert on this site today to have a look at the Bloke rods. I'm thinking of getting something suitable for trouting on larger rivers and thoought a 9' #5 would be good.  They look very nice... so nice I'm toying with the idea of saving up for one.  Anyone got one and would you recommend it? I also wonder where Bloke get their blanks from and if they're fitted to other brands too cos comparisons would be easier to make with something familiar and that has been reviewed. Anyone know?   


I have a 9 foot #6 4pc Bloke XL50. A really great rod, stiff and fast. A very dark red ? brown blank, quality fittings and handle. I like my Bloke rod and Mick Bell is a decent  guy with a first class record for customer service, that said I heard the newer blanks he uses are very bright red and some don?t  like them as flash as that. I have to admit I would not buy a bright red fly rod. I?ll be taking it to the  Tummel grayling stravaig  in December so if you can make it you can have a  try. I?ll  be taking  it to NZ in February as my second / windy day rod.

One important point:  I am not saying  this   because Bloke advertise on this site, but because it?s what I believe ? Bloke and Pitsford Pirate don?t pay for advertising on here the  banners are  there because they  deserve to be.


I believe Mick Bell has his own factory in China, maybe someone could confirm? He used to use Harrison blanks at one time and I think he may still sell their blanks and build on them on request.

I have a 9ft 4 piece #8 rod which I use for seatrout and salmon in high water. It's a good rod but I'm going to replace it with something else, as I don't like the feel of the reconstituted cork handle on this model. I think his new rods are made with proper cork handles. He used to sell on Ebay at considerably less cost than he does on his web site. Worth dropping him an e-mail before you part with your hard-earned.

There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this

River Chatter

Bright red! Jeez... I'm not up for that. I'll do a bit more digging before making my mind up. I'd love to get up to the Tummel and take you up your offer to try your's out, but unfortunately I've got 10 rolls of wallpaper lying in my hallway awaiting my attention... arrgghhh! More than this I wish I was going to NZ, it's just brilliant there.  I was on the Tongarriro a few years back in January, but the trout weren't running yet from Lake Taupo to breed. So although I saw one huge wild rainbow that wetted my appetite, my success was limited to few little'uns.  So I hope your not on your way to Turangi and Rotorua. If you are, there are some smaller rivers running into Taupo that are apparently pretty good and of course there's Taupo itself that you can fish with little streamers at the mouth of rivers that provides the locals with good sport year round.  I'm dreaming of going back some day.  Anyway, I'm off topic. Thanks guys for the feedback on Bloke.  :D


Mick Bell has been selling some Bloke rods recently on ebay, there was a 10ft 5# going for about ?100 the other day.


Josh and I have the original Bloke rods that were almost  burgundy in colour, the newer ones are a bright red. :shock:  Certainly the best after sales service, any problems a replacement section or rod is sent at no cost.  Contact Mick in case the colour has changed.
Know some one who was getting a pink :gay4 rod from Mick, claims it was for his wife. :D



That looks like a nice rod. I'm tempted myself at that price. Just what I need a n o t h e r  rod............................ :D

Wonder what colout it is?


I bought a 9ft 5wt xl40 last seaon from Mick, its first outing was to Lewis and on the first night my brother caught the top section in the car door, he contacted mick the next day and mick asked where our digs where because he would send me a replacement section next day delivery. Good quality rod,with a nice tube and great after sales service, as to the colour a would say a deep red/claret?


My Bloke XL50 4pc #6  is the burgundy / red colour and is a cracking rod. I have heard of some bright red ones being sold though and I would not want one of those.

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