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Poor tackle shops

Started by col, January 05, 2008, 02:58:10 PM

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Today i was in Mikes tackle shop to get some hooks for fly tying ,a box of the popular range  kamazan 16 b100 was what i wanted ,but they did not have them or many Kamazan hooks  at all for that matter or partridge, drennans etc. They did another range (Pirahna hooks i think the y were called) the smallest size they had for dries were 14 :shock:! They appear to have downsized their premises (it used to be two neighbouring shops knocked into one the breeze blocks are back on the ajoining doorway) and stock is pretty poor , i had some money in my pocket yet could not find a single peice of tackle (floats /flytying materials etc) that made me want to part with it. I was really surprised, just last year i considered  Mikes tackle as being a Mecca for tackle they had everything you could possibly think of , heard a rumour they might be closing but its hardly surprising looking at their stock or lack of choice !


Yup, as mentioned on another thread these wee shops just cannot compete....Dannys Den in Partick is another shop that does not seem to have any gear - It was hard for the huy to try and find some light tippet material.


I went into the local market stall looking for floats for the Grayling day. She only had 2 "floats". 1st was a pike bung the size of a tennis ball! When I suggested that was a little bit big she rummaged around and came up with something smaller.
"This one is good 'cause you can load it up with bait as well"
I pointed out that the holes around the swim feeder and the lump of lead on the side might not allow it to float very well.



To be honest  it's a familiar story. The hour of the local tackle shop has passed I think. It's impossible for them to compete on any level really. I used to think  it would be a real bugger not having one nearby, but it's not. You   just adjust and  plan ahead better. Might be more of a problem for bait fishers and the like – where do you get your maggots? – but I can honestly say for me it has made no real difference.


I am afraid it is the demise of the true tackle shop, the ones that will survive will be the ones that offer online purchase & even some them will call it a day soon. Too easy to shop around for the "best bang for the buck". Too many in a shrinking market to my mind. It's a pity I really do miss them but I am as much to blame as anyone else. I take the easy way & order online. I know what I want & buying it online is the easy way to go. Now adays we have a vast choice of tackle not just the UK but worldwide & ordering is so easy. I very rarley visit the loca shop, a far cry when I was younger when the tackle shop was the only option. Now all very different. Good luck to thosethat survive they will need it. I remember Danny's Den when it was James Kent & a fine wee shop it was. Sad that it appears to have gone downhill.
Allan's, C C Mann, Alex Martin, Robertsons all fine shops all gone. Hmmm
Tight lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

Clan Ford

Quote from: admin on January 05, 2008, 07:25:10 PM
..... Might be more of a problem for bait fishers and the like ? where do you get your maggots? ? but I can honestly say for me it has made no real difference.

Maggots on line :D


Clan Ford

Quote from: brian on January 05, 2008, 08:56:14 PM
Bloody hell, maggots through the post, don't think the wife would be to chuffed having them shoved through the lettter box :)

I've only gone as far a sourcing them Brian, still to do the letterbox test :lol:



The demise of the 'traditional' tackle shop is down to just one thing.......US!!!!!

If you want your local tackle shop to have a good stock level it has to be patronised by local anglers who are prepared to pay to keep it open. These type of shops cant compete with a mail order/online seller on price, nor on stock because they are small.

However if you are prepared to forgo the discounts from the big guys, wait a wee while for an order, etc then the wee guys might survive.

The choice is up to you and me.


That's all very well & I can appreciate your sentiments but is isnae gonnae work is it.
We can at the stroke of a key display any item we require, find out if it is in stock, compare prices with other vendors order it & within two days we receive it.............usually.
We do not need to get off our fat arses to do this. Easy Peasy, that's why we do it. Nothing to do with loyalty, money talks in this here consumer society. I am not saying it is right but a fact it indeed is.
It is nice to be able to browse in real terms & pass the time of day, get a bit of advice but sadly few & far between. No I think the local tackle shop is sadly a thing of the past.
Tight Lines

" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


Quote from: Highlander on January 06, 2008, 07:15:19 PM
That's all very well & I can appreciate your sentiments but is isnae gonnae work is it.
We can at the stroke of a key display any item we require, find out if it is in stock, compare prices with other vendors order it & within two days we receive it.............usually.
We do not need to get off our fat arses to do this. Easy Peasy, that's why we do it. Nothing to do with loyalty, money talks in this here consumer society. I am not saying it is right but a fact it indeed is.
It is nice to be able to browse in real terms & pass the time of day, get a bit of advice but sadly few & far between. No I think the local tackle shop is sadly a thing of the past.
Tight Lines

Don't get me wrong I agree with you and I'm as bad as the next for shopping online. It's a pity though. Saying that I now have a pretty good shop in forfar - Angus Angling which I frequent as often as possible so some wee shops may survive here & there

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