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Old Rod Prices?

Started by paulr, March 29, 2013, 12:23:43 PM

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My Dad has a couple of ancient rods and a more recent Norwich one which he doesn't use and we wondered if they might be worth anything?

The first is an eight foot split cane jobbie with no manufacturer:


I have no idea what the next one is but it's a three piece and it looks old!


The third is a much more recent 9 1/2 ft David Norwich rod. It's brand new and says "David Norwich Graphite" on it, along with "9 1/2  7/9  No 0916.



Any ideas?

Malcolm would have known :-(

PS. If we're gonna be millionaires please pm ;-)



Allan Crawford

I would have agreed with Fachan and indeed told my sistor in law some thing very similar.
She ignored my advice and put a couple of old rods on ebay and got £200 quid for what in my eyes was junk, maybe there is a market for old rods, even though we know its only Hardys etc that are really worth some thing.

Allan Crawford

Worth a go! Can't beat a good mug   :lol:


Fachan is right. for an old rod to be worth anything more than a few quid it has to be & not necessary in order.
1. By a good maker
2. Rare
3. good condition.
Meet all these criteria & you will get bidders.
The first two shown do not meet those requirements that I can see though they do have lock fast ferrules which were generally used on "better" rods. First one is split cane with intermediate whippings & probably a spinning rod, second one looks like  Greenheart  but can't be sure from the picture which will  pre-dates the first. Unnamed rods are sometime home made jobbies, good though they were at the time is not what collectors are looking for.
The Norwich is an older model but would attract a few bidders I would have thought. E bay is you best bet, one never knows what will happen.
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

Allan Crawford

Highlander, the rods my sistor in law sold werent much better if any than those above, 2 x cane fly rods and a fibre glass B&W spinning rod, she asked me to have a look at them, I said the same as you, worthless. Perhaps the person\persons who bought them were happy that to the general public they looked like old expensive rods even though to the trained eye they were worthless, and happy to pay what is a reasonable small amount of money, maybe for display purposes, I dont really know but I did have to eat my words  :shock:


QuoteI said the same as you, worthless.
The guy is asking if they are worth anything,I like Fachan say no I say why I think that.
There is always someone that will buy & indeed I sometimes wonder why but if you know whats what, you would not buy them. There is nothing I have seen in the pictures that would command a high price nee a good price. Just the way it is. Seller, stick them on E bay & see what you get but I suspect not a lot. Still one never knows. I remember once a Hardy St Aiden secondhand reel that went for more than John Norris was "selling off" the few new ones they had left. You just never know. One born every minute comes to mind. Collimore would you pay good money for  them ?, I suspect not.
Let us know how you get on.
Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


The second one looks like a Greenheart - all the rage before that newfangled split-cane came along.  I dug one out of my Grandad's old stuff and hung it on the wall in the hall.  Looks good.

Allan Crawford

Quote from: Highlander on March 29, 2013, 08:21:51 PM
Collimore would you pay good money for  them ?, I suspect not.
Let us know how you get on.
Tight Lines

Not a penny  :)
I do agree with your comments Highlander, I just mentioned it as it could be worth ago, thats all!
I can only think as Element says, maybe with a lick of varnish on a hotel wall, or some one is prepared to buy these of ebay in the chance they hit the jack pot  :D
It was over £200 quid she got for the lot, I could have missed some thing there was no manufacturer info, if sold on ebay then who ever bought it didnt get a good look, the cane rods were probably in better condition than those above, I sort of thought she might give us one and indeed had I recognized the make would have been keen. I think she did good :)

My uncle who taught me to fish, when he died I would have loved to have been given his cane rod which was a Scott, just for sentimental reasons,  I dont know what happened to it.


Your dead right Colliemore, you never know what someone will bid on E Bay, Guess that is part of the beauty of it all.
Now where is that old tank aerial rod of mine?
Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

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