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9 foot #5...........

Started by emc, May 06, 2012, 08:31:05 PM

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OK, so I gather that for a general purpose wild fishing rod I need a 9ft #5 rod. Bearing in mind that my chances of getting the opportunity to try out any rods hereabouts is slim does anybody have any recommendations as to what I might consider?

I am not a skillfull caster  and coordination and timing can be lacking. Read about fast tips and mid flex rods and all that but I'm  thinking the thoughts those with  experience will be more helpful than "technical" jargon.

Quite like the look of some or the Sonik rods.......

I want at least a 4 piece so that it can be hidden in a rucksack when I'm on a DOD :roll:.

Don't want to spend more than I have to of course but I am prepared for some financial outlay for the right rod............ and I won't whinge if I buy the wrong rod based on someone's advice if I haven't tried the rod first.


There are lots to go at, even most of the cheapies are pretty good and the cheapies are usually a fairly moderate action, and robust as well, not least because they don't muck about with expensive high end carbon fibre.**spring-sale**/rods-(including-kits-and-combos)/2/wychwood/9535/

There are loads of others on the market.



My most recent rod purchase was a 7' #4 Shakespeare Odyssey and I honestly don't think I've picked up a rod that has quite the wow factor, it's absolutely brilliant. Middle to tip action as a useless generalising description... I have an 8' 6'' version of the same rod in a #5 and it's great too, it's an odyssey travel and is 4pc. You really don't need to go expensive to get a good rod. I paid £17 for the 7'... it is a 2pc mind you. I've used plenty rods (own the odd one too) 30-40 times the price and I'd be telling you porkies if I said there was a large difference. Some cheap rods are total crap but if you choose wisely you're onto a winner.

Depends what you want, the quality of fittings on a budget rod are not the same but whether that matters at all to you is a different matter.

From your casting description all I'd say is avoid very stiff rods and you'll be fine. Check out some shakespeare rods, in fact just go buy one and if it's not right you have plenty of dosh left to get the replacement you're after  :)

I've heard good things about the sonik rods, I think it was in relation to the SK3 series but I can't wholly remember.


Quote from: Moray on May 06, 2012, 09:38:30 PM
Redington Redfly 2 (If you can find one anywhere)

Might not be any still available, there were some bargains on this rod a while back (and in my view is best rod you'll get at origional price, never mind sale prices)

I've got a 9wt, good rod!


I'd try to find a Redington on E bay,the RS 3,RS 4 or Redfly 2 are all good rods for the money.
Scierra EDP and Guideline rods are also good,if You can find them.
The cheaper the rod the more You can spend on a decent line,which is more important,in My opinion.
Cheers Kev.


Quote from: alancrob on May 13, 2012, 11:00:53 PM
A big selection of the Reddington on fleabay, but in USA.


Nothing against Redington as such but all their rods are low end Korean and Chinese imports. They sell rods that cost 6$ ( Yes, you read that right SIX DOLLARS ) ex-factory,  for several hundred dollars.



Mike,are Sonik,Wychwood and the like not also made in Korea?
I was led to believe that most rods come from the same factory.
You'll pay big money for a rod that isn't made in the far east.
Cheers Kev.


Quote from: Brook on May 14, 2012, 09:29:37 PM
Mike,are Sonik,Wychwood and the like not also made in Korea?
I was led to believe that most rods come from the same factory.
You'll pay big money for a rod that isn't made in the far east.
Cheers Kev.

Not necessarily! I think Harrison blanks are are good as anything out there. There are some very good British rodmakers out there who build on Harrison blanks (but some Harrison blanks are now made in the far east) one of these is this chap;
There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


Quote from: Brook on May 14, 2012, 09:29:37 PM
Mike,are Sonik,Wychwood and the like not also made in Korea?
I was led to believe that most rods come from the same factory.
You'll pay big money for a rod that isn't made in the far east.
Cheers Kev.

There are lots of factories there. I have dealt with a few of them.  If the rods are built to the correct specifications using the right components they are the equal of any other rod built anywhere else.  One of those factories produced a series of rod prototypes for me some years ago. Everybody who tried one was enthusiastic beyond words. Unfortunately they never went into production because the firm which commissioned the design from me ( and shall remain nameless to protect the guilty! :)  )  did not want to implement my component specifications which included the best Fuji rings available at the time because they added 17 dollars to the ex-factory price of the rods which would have cost 39 dollars ( American) instead of the 24 dollars they were paying for their other "Hgh-end"  rods ( which they were selling for over seven hundred dollars at the time).  They pissed me off so much I told them to bugger off and never released the designs. My mandrels were destroyed.  I still have a  few prototypes and there are a few knocking around the world in various people's possession. They are still better than most rods on the market! :) Not one of them has ever broken and some have been subjected to vigorous abuse. My saltwater seatrout rod ( 9.6 #7 weight) is still going strong after over ten years of intensive use.  Lots of people have tried them and invariably asked where they could get one. They sometimes get quite miffed when I tell them they can't!  Some then offer silly sums of money. It seems exclusivity puts the price up! :)

I got all the prototypes more or less for free from the factory concerned.  I will put one up for auction on the forum one of these days, it will help Fred out with the costs a bit.  I gave a lot of them away over the last few years. ( I originally had 74, a few from each design series). I only have one or none left from most series now.


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