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Flies for Shetland?

Started by Njugglebreck, April 10, 2011, 08:29:03 PM

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Hopefully, I'll be able to get a few pointers?
I find myself with a bit more free time than I've had previously - so more time at the troots is on the cards!
I've never had a great deal of success in the past - enough to keep me interested, but not as much as I'd like (maybe its a common feeling?)

My typical cast is as follows:

Top dropper - usually something floaty and bushy - colour varies but black/red/olive type things
Middle dropper- Diawl Bach (its the only fly I can tie with any consistancy and, over the years. the one I've caught most fish on)
Point - Varies - Hares ear, black pennel, butcher things, Peter ross etc etc etc etc

Am i doing vaguely the right thing, or is there something better?

Thanks in advance



Guddler 's your man. The Shetland troots shake with fear when they hear he's on the loose.   :lol:


Quote from: admin on April 10, 2011, 08:47:55 PM
Guddler 's your man. The Shetland troots shake with fear when they hear he's on the loose.   :lol:

as if  :lol:
Can you tell the difference between shaking with fear and shaking with laughter?

My fly selection is pretty ropey really but I catch just about enough to keep me entertained. My selection is similar to yours, Jim, but I never seem to have any luck with hares ear nymphs or black pennels. I've been copying a pennel from a local tier with a small spot of red seals fur dubbing behind the hackle that I'm convinced is going to catch me fish this year - if I ever manage to catch one  :roll:


Quote from: Guddler on April 10, 2011, 10:49:13 PM
I never seem to have any luck with hares ear nymphs or black pennels.

Stick a pink tail on your hare's ear nymphs and an orange marabou tail on your black pennels and let me know how you get on.
There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


Best flies on our trip a couple of years back were black ke-he, supplied by a local, and the inevitable claret sedge on the top dropper.

Would dearly like to give them a swim up there again one day.



First blood to the closest to a sedgehog that I can tie :D
1 1/4 lb

Biggest thing I've caught here in 14 years!!



Cracker  :D.  Well done.  I converted a couple of pals to the joys of the claret hedgehog on a trip up there last year.  Only after Guddler had converted me first mind!

I'd usually go for something a bit sparser on the middle (skinny olive dabbler/pearly dabbler/pearly bibio/invicta or black ke-he as has been mentioned) and a gold head hare's ear on the point covers a range of depths quite nicely as a starting point at least.  Others do far better than me up there mind.


Cracking troot Jim, still early up in your woods but I bet you are looking forward to those long summer evenings.

Sandy B.O.


Nice one, Jim. That's a solid looking troot. I managed a couple myself yesterday but nothing as good as that.

The lochs will be pretty busy for the next few days as the 2011 "Brown Trout Festival" starts tonight and runs through till Saturday. Looks like it's going to pretty windy for it - a force 8 forecast for this evening :shock:

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