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How do I cure a small animal skin?

Started by Guddler, November 16, 2009, 09:13:17 PM

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OK, this is sort of fly tying related as that's what I want to use this skin for.

I was given a couple of freshly killed pole-ferrets today and skinned one and just nipped the tail off the other. I'd like to preserve them to use as tying materials, how do I go about it?

I've scraped the skin clean then spent the last half an hour Googling  but have gotten snowed under with umpteen different "best" methods. I won't be making a hat with it so maybe a full cure isn't whats needed, just a method of preserving so I can harvest the fur as and when required.

Anybody tried this themselves?


As the others have said. Pin it out, scrape off as much of the fat as you can and use either salt or borax. I have used both.

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Cheers to all for the info. I've just a had a crofter buddy drop by and his advice was pretty much the same. Skin is stretched out in the shed under a good layer of coarse salt and we'll see how it goes.
Not sure what I'll use them to tie, it's really just the novelty value of it so I can claim Polecat underbelly as my special ingredient if anybody asks next season!

Pearly Invicta

Quote from: Guddler on November 16, 2009, 11:44:42 PM

Not sure what I'll use them to tie, it's really just the novelty value of it so I can claim Polecat underbelly as my special ingredient if anybody asks next season!

I'm sure you'll find a use ferret.


Funnily enough I was thinking about this as I disposed of a few very healthy (well, previously healthy  :o) rats and mice recently. Mice have very fine fur, and rats have loads of guard hairs which would make good leggy flies I think.

Will have to give it a try soon.

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