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Re-evaluating my nymph hotlist must-haves

Started by IrishFloatTube, November 16, 2009, 06:20:00 PM

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I had a big loss in the family .
Builders moved into the house for work, we moved into temporary lodgings elsewhere, much stuff was packed away, and a lot of stuff was skipped and you can guess what's coming next ......

Now I have no nymph wallet, about 300 flies gone for good it appears.

So I got the vice out and have begun making replacements.

However, there is an upside to all this that I dodn't expect, and I thought I'd mention it.
It's interesting to actually have "a clean slate" and at the same time an overriding desire to fill the most important missing gaps first.
It forced me to reconsider every fly in that wallet, the ones gone from it and not replaced, and the ones I had planned to add in the near term future to test and maybe push oldies of lesser effectiveness out.
Fishing wisdom is higher now than before when many flies were acquired.
Minimalism is desirable because if a simple dressing does the job as well as a fancy one, it can be tied faster and represents a more efficient tying session.
Dual use flies (eg corixa = sedge pupa of same colour & size) where a different retrieve makes them do different jobs become advantageous, both in saving valuable fly tying time as well as wallet space.
Another development is that now I have a better idea of the best sizes for many of the flies I had and liked, but while testing had tied up examples in every size. The unusual sizes got culled which = savings in wallet space.
And so on.

Stuff I would never have taken out of the old wallet will not make it into the new one.

In short this time it is being planned much better, not evolving as I learn piecemeal, and try out new ideas and retain the goodies as well as the failures (in case they are needed some day!).
So an interesting situation to find myself in, if unfortunate as well.

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