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Cheap DT lines on Fishtec

Started by Pearly Invicta, February 28, 2007, 04:35:42 PM

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Pearly Invicta

I see that Fishtec are selling 'chalkstream' DT lines for ?10.99.

Sounds like a bargain. Anyone used one? I fancy the DT6

PL-WF4F-FG Platinum Lake ( long belly ) WF4 ?64.99 ?10.99   
PL-WF5F-FG Platinum Lake ( long belly ) WF5 ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-DT4F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream DT4 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-DT6F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream DT6 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-WF4F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream WF4 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-WF6F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream WF6 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99


Personally I'd stay clear of airflo gear. The quality has improved since their first pathetic attempts      (remember the memory those lines had?) but even their best efforts at making fly lines fall short of even a modestly priced PVC line. The polymer coating just doesn't feelnice in the hand and tends to make a screeching sound when retrieved through some rod rings. Furthermore, I've heard that their method of construction restricts the range of diameters that can be created on a line - hence tapers may be on the chunky side, lacking delicacy of presentation. Also, i hate the way Airflo market their tackle by advertising it at greatly reduced prices, i don't think anyone has ever paid the "RRP" for any of their stuff. I reckon its a cynical attempt to lure the novice.

The only real advantage with them is they will outlast a PVC line because they don't crack, but you'll have throw it away long before then anyway!

I recently bought a brand new DT6 Aircel Supreme 2 on E Bay for around ?15. Should still be some around.

OK rant over.  :D



Quote from: Pearly Invicta on February 28, 2007, 04:35:42 PM
I see that Fishtec are selling 'chalkstream' DT lines for ?10.99.

Sounds like a bargain. Anyone used one? I fancy the DT6

PL-WF4F-FG Platinum Lake ( long belly ) WF4 ?64.99 ?10.99   
PL-WF5F-FG Platinum Lake ( long belly ) WF5 ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-DT4F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream DT4 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-DT6F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream DT6 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-WF4F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream WF4 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99   
PCS-WF6F-OG Platinum Chalk Stream WF6 - Optic Green ?64.99 ?10.99

Don?t waste your money on airflop gear.  The sinking lines are OK, the rest is usually sub-standard.


Pearly Invicta

Didn't realise they were airflo lines. I've still got an intermediate airflo line I bought years ago for 5 quid that behaves like a slinky and will go in the bin shortly.


Quote from: Pearly Invicta on March 01, 2007, 04:28:11 PM
Didn't realise they were airflo lines. I've still got an intermediate airflo line I bought years ago for 5 quid that behaves like a slinky and will go in the bin shortly.

You can redeem most intermediates, even the airflops! Place in very hot water for a few minutes. Stretch the line gently. Cool immediately in very cold water. ( ice water is best).  This removes the memory for quite a while.



Are Airflo lines really that bad? I have used them for the past few years and thought they were ok for the price (I always seem to pick them up for ?5 / ?10 in various fishtec sales. Can anyone recommend a good quality floating line? I have been considering Scientific Anglers Original Aircel or Snowbee XS.


I have several Airflo lines from DT/WF 5 to WF7 and don't generally have problems with them. Avoid the ones with the mono core, they are bad (very) for memory but the braided core lines I get on fine with.  I also like Sc. Anglers Supreme II's but for a good no nonsense line Shakespeare Gliders and Worcesters are hard to beat and they don't cost the earth.


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