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Chest pack or backpack

Started by wee bri, February 06, 2007, 01:25:41 PM

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wee bri

I normally use conventional fishing bags but for going to some of the hill lochs with the minimum amount of gear, I was thinking I might get myself one of those Scierra chest packs. I like the idea that even while you wear it everything is to hand....especially the hip flask.
However I was also wondering whether, with that bulk at the front, if they interfere with your casting.
Anybody tried one of these.
Would I be better just buying a small backpack instead..........wee bri...........


I prefer the rucksack let you haul all yer gear in some comfort! Also makes you take more than you will ever need ?always the same ? as bandy says once base camp is set up have a smaller bag for carrying the essential gear about 



Chestpacks are awful for walking in, in my not very humble view. Waistpacks are only slightly better. They may be all right for walking out of your car onto a river but for combining hills and fishing you need a rucksack. 25 or 30 litres is ideal for a day. Things that are useful are - look for one that has a crampon (or snow shovel) pocket - ideal for flasks! some have walking pole holders and these can be used for multipiece rods - but check out that your own rods fit. 
Lastly make sure it has a hydration pocket - a godsend!
There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this



I should have said earlier that I actually use an Orvis chestpack for river fishing when I don't have to walk too far (and carry too much). For this purpose I think it is better than a conventional small fishing bag.

There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


Quote from: wee bri on February 06, 2007, 01:25:41 PM
I normally use conventional fishing bags but for going to some of the hill lochs with the minimum amount of gear, I was thinking I might get myself one of those Scierra chest packs. I like the idea that even while you wear it everything is to hand....especially the hip flask.
However I was also wondering whether, with that bulk at the front, if they interfere with your casting.
Anybody tried one of these.
Would I be better just buying a small backpack instead..........wee bri...........

I use a chest pack a lot. Much more convenient than a back-pack,  which one also often tends to take off and leave on the bank. Cost me several large boxes of flies and some other stuff doing that! :)

I have used several. If you want really top class stuff, have a look at webbing packs at an army and navy "surplus" store. Various pouches and a "tactical" or "assault" vest can be customised to suit perfectly, and one gets very high quality, usually for a very good price;

Have a look at the "web Tex" assault vest, and the "web-tex" chest rig shown above ( scroll down to find).

These things normally cost a very great deal more money elsewhere.

I still use an old "army type" Goretex jacket for "normal" fishing. Have been using it for over thirty years now. I could live for a month just on the pocket contents! :)

Camouflage stuff has always been a favourite of mine, and I think it gives you an advantage in many circumstances. ( When fishing as well! :)  )


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