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Best floating leader ?

Started by rannoch raider, July 06, 2015, 11:16:23 PM

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rannoch raider

I've recently been using furled leaders with my floating lines. I've been impressed with the turnover and suppleness of these leaders. When fishing dry flies or when just fishing high in the water I've been treating the leaders with a rub down with gink. This seems to keep them buoyant for a while then they become saturated and sink.
Anyone got any tips for keeping them afloat? Is gink the best thing to use as a floatant on these leaders or is there something else out there that does a better job ? :?


Mucillin works well on furled leaders. I may be wrong but I think the one in the red tin is the type to use ????
I use that anyway.
~  <°))))):><       ~   <°))))):><

rannoch raider

Thanks for that. I'm sure I've got some kicking around in a box somewhere. Do you 'pre treat' them or just apply at the waterside ?


The Green can (Silicone) i is recommended for furled leaders. If you have a silk line then the non silicone Red should be used.
Gink is not a treatment for line.

Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


I use Mucilin too and find it clings to the leader far better than Gink, which being more runny, easily washes off.

I use the red version of Mucilin for mono leaders, fly line and occasionally furled leaders, simply because I sometimes use a silk line and the red tin is what is recommended. Prior to getting the silk line, the green tin (it contains silicon) is what I used.

You can just apply it at the waterside and if you work it into the furled leader, you might get a whole day out of it before you need to re-apply.

Protect the edge.


I use the green or red Mucilin. I like the red because  the smell of it reminds  me of my early days fly fishing in the 1960s. Other than that I have no preference.  Both work.  :D

rannoch raider

Thanks for the replies guys. Mucilin it shall be ! :D


Quote from: rannoch raider on July 07, 2015, 01:40:40 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. Mucilin it shall be ! :D

If you are stuck, the butter or marge on your sandwiches works too. :)

I once used my lunch to grease up my line on a pike fishing trip when I wanted to drift a float out and had forgotten to take some Mucilin with me. It worked. :D

Protect the edge.


Camembert is the best choice if you are French nymphing.

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