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Dear Part Time Diamond,

Started by piscatus absentis, February 14, 2010, 07:53:15 AM

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piscatus absentis

Dear (very) Part Time Diamond,

You sought the anonymity of crowds.  You skulked in the dark and obscure closes and corners of the web.  But the all seeing eye of the band of ?elderly gentlemen? who fish Hillend has noticed you and our light is shining on you.

We forgive.  We forgive ?elderly? and would prefer ?experienced?.  We forgive ?old?; even Wee Jackie, Wull Tait and Big Tam, now well into their eighties forgive and would prefer ?greatly experienced? or even ?senior?.  We understand and forgive the follies and haste of youth for we, as you will some day, remember the final blossoming of Summer before pleasant Autumn arrives.

However, anathema, you have gone beyond the pale and must do penance as will be outlined later.  Cheap Morrison?s foreign wine as a fly tying accompaniment.  Never, never, never.  Only robust Scottish spirits are allowed.  Perhaps this accounts for the increasing ponciness of your tying.

We know where you live, we know where you work, we know where you shop.  We even know what side your Willie Winkie dresses to.  You must approach us in a spirit of open heartedness and open handedness bearing bottles.  Bottles containing a product distilled, aged and bottled in Glorious Scotland (Land of the Free).  In exchange we will introduce you to fly tying as it should be.  Nae tourist flees, simple honest to goodness flees for fishing.

We will see you soon,

Yours sincerely,

The experienced and greatly experienced team.

Clan Chief

Just noticed this post today. For a wee minute there I thought you were refering to something completely different  that I have recently got involved with. Just ask Jack he will be in.

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