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Started by Inchlaggan, March 25, 2014, 11:58:17 AM

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'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


River Chatter

I liked the idea of this stove, but having handled one in GAC I wouldn't buy it.  Heavier than a Trangia and that's without the pots.  Shame really.  A backup charger you plug into your devices weighs next to nowt and will do the job of replenishing your mobile etc. at a fraction of the cost.  In developing countries I can see this stove going down a storm though, as long as it's affordable there.


I would have thought  the biggest problem with something like that in Scotland would be finding suitable and above all dry  fuel.


Plenty fuel for one of those Fred, even after weeks of rain over here I can generally find enough dry heather, even when it's raining ;), to boil my trangia kettle.

There are some interesting charging solutions on the go at the moment. Saw this linked on another site;


The small Biolite is not really a great option for hiking/camping due to its weight.

The much larger stove is of interest to a friend involved with African charity support as it can power up batteries for evening low voltage lighting systems in huts from cooking that is taking place anyway using woodfuel. Could be very useful for that sort of usage if it is robust enough.
~  <°))))):><       ~   <°))))):><


i think i'll wait till the price comes down.... those prices are bonkers.


The last thing I want to be doing if out on the hill camping or fishing is searching around in the rain,  wind and / or midgies  trying to find wet twigs to burn.   :lol: 

I'll stick with  gas and meths.   :D


That's a nifty idea but at those prices, crazy. Why do you need a phone camping anyway? Charge it before you leave then turn off when you get to camp. That way you've got plenty battery encased of emergency and most importantly PEACE!!

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